There is nothing more dreadful than being stuck in a cubicle the entire day. Some think productivity increases BUT the opposite is true. Productivity takes a nose dive. Imagine staring at the computer monitor with hardly a break. Or scrutinizing that document or spreadsheet for 2 hours.
Physical exercise is important… even in the office. If you can take short breaks to “walk around”, you may be surprised at how productive that is to the bottomline. “More often than not, we work through our breaks and wonder why we feel so physically exhausted from sitting all day. A little exercise is the quickest way to regain your mental focus and alertness.”
It is no wonder why some Fortune 500 companies take the extra effort of developing office facilities for exercise. Have you heard of one with an oval track for walking? I know you’ve heard of Google’s office gym… or the slides! 🙂
Exercise stimulates the mind…