Everybody dies. It’s the one unifying and equalizing factor of the whole human race. The survival of the next generations depends on the death of past generations lest all the resources in the world disappear. But there are no braver and greater deaths than those done to ensure that the next breed of humans is free from stupidity.
This is what the Darwin Awards celebrate. For every self-inflicted and stupid death, another wave of genes are saved from inheriting stupidity and foolishness. Who thinks that the offspring of the man who died taking a chainsaw to his own head would survive for very long? How relieved is the wife of the man who threw her out the window and then died jumping after her knowing that her future child would not suffer the same fate. These are just a couple of the recipients of the Darwin Awards.
Scroll through this infographic and learn about the man who died because his head literally exploded. Or, laugh out loud at the silly couple that stopped in the middle of a road for a quickie and met their demise. It makes you wonder whether a Master’s in Nursing Guide might have saved them.
From: Best Nursing Masters