For the past days, I became a huge fan of a YouTube channel.
I know, it’s wrong, I’m a bad person for defecting to it… but it’s just too good to pass out. I was laughing so hard, everyone I shared it with laughed so hard!
It’s the first channel I am now following because of it’s wit, charm & amazing line delivery. Hop on to and search around for a channel called “thoselilrabbits”.
You know, I’m the type of tech geek that would live and breathe in tech all day, I think I am on line (productively) for about 5 hours a day, multi-tasking by the third hour and cruising on some online stuff to “must-view” by the 4th hour to the fifth. There was a time I just skim the first few lines, but this channel’s take on David Blaine’s charm just made me an instant fan.
Check it out!
They were nominated for a YouTube video award (boy I tell you soon this will just beat the Oscars).
Their homepage:
You just got to see them to believe you can laugh again.
ThoseLilRabbits are Mikey Day & Michael Naughton.
With assists from Mitch Silpa, Andrew Friedman, Jay Lay and Larry Dorf.
They’re from Los Angeles, California and they met at the Groundlings Theater and have been performing there together for about two years. Their goal (?) is to make funny shit. They like birthday cakes, Heidi Klum, John Basedow and are big fans of the space program. Still new to this website thing so be patient as they construct and update the site.
Want to see some of thoselilrabbits perform live?! If you live in Los Angeles, Mikey and Michael are in the current show at the Groundlings Theatre, “Groundlings Swimsuit Edition”. It opens February 22nd and closes April 19th. The shows are on Fridays @ 8 pm, and Saturdays @ 8 and 10 pm.