Today’s hot topic in human resource management is attaining a good work and home balance for a company’s workforce. Companies think up various means to help employees become more productive in the workplace, and at the same time be able to adequately attend to their personal and family needs.
The consensus is that there is no boilerplate solution that works with each and every company. It depends upon the cultural makeup of a company. For instance, Americans are usually fond of flexi-time arrangements, where staff are adequately compensated for the number of hours worked. But for Asians, more hours put in at the office is generally viewed as translating to better productivity (regardless of output). Europeans generally spend less time at work, with the least hours in a workweek.
Perhaps the best way to ensure staff productivity is to delineate work from personal life, so that the pressures from either side do not overflow into the other. The result is that employees can focus, whether with work, or with personal matters!