I’m sure you’ve come across this period in your office life where you need to just stand up and walk away. Don’t worry, it’s normal! What’s abnormal is if you keep working and slaving away on your desk EVEN when the shoulders hurt, EVEN when the eyes are strained, EVEN when that deadline is staring at you squarely. YOU HAVE to stand up, so PLEASE do.
Office stress takes the most from all of us. If we fail to prevent the symptoms, the weight on your health can be very devastating. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Kidney problems, Bowel movement problems, Migraines, that terrible morning headache and procrastination routine… just to name a few.
If you feel office stress more too quickly, please consider talking to your boss about your situation. Maybe he can offer you help, a possible change of work routine perhaps OR a minor re-furnishing with a new and more ergonomically shaped chair to start with.
At any rate, YOU are the one to affect YOUR being. Don’t fall into the trap of slaving the few hours when tomorrow will just be back getting you again. Do something, control the situation, before it controls you.