If you are an avid cigar smoker, you probably know exactly what I am talking about. Just in case my little acronym (boy, do I feel smart!) is just a jumble of words for you, let me spell it out: Roll Your Own Cigar. Better?
I am sure that this is not the first time that you have heard of this concept. While cigars are plentiful in the market today, the government seems to have a particular affinity for plying tax upon tax measure on them. As a result, cigars have become quite an expensive hobby. Of course, there are still a lot of cheap cigars to be bought, but connoisseurs know that these cheap cigars deliver an experience of the same sort – cheap and not very satisfying.
It is thus not a surprise that more and more cigar aficionados have been turning to another alternative: rolling their own cigars.
The most obvious reason for this is the fact that I have been harping about since the beginning of this post: buying cigar wraps and the tobacco to fill them is way cheaper than buying high quality ready-made cigars. Better yet, despite the fact that it is cheaper, the quality that you get does not suffer.
Another advantage to rolling your own cigars is that you have full control over the size and the shape of your cigar. When you roll your own cigar, you are basically creating a stogie. As such, it is totally up to you what size (and kind) of cigar wrap (and tobacco) that you buy – and these are what determine the size and shape of your cigar.
The next time you find yourself yearning for a nice, fat, juicy cigar, remember that you do not have to spend a fortune. Go RYOC!