I’ve mentioned to my friends a few weeks ago that the success of James Cameron’s Avatar would only mean that filmmakers will now consider the 3D format their newest toy and will attempt to find ways to use it. I even believe that, as far as big studios are concerned, it will replace traditional film.
But if there’s one auteur who I would consider as one of the least likely to use 3D, it would be Gaspar Noe. The guy’s ouevre is not something that you would even imagine on 3D. But apparently, I am wrong. There is now talk that Gaspar Noe is working on a “joyful porn melodrama”, and this is going to be shot in 3D. A porn movie in 3D? Now that is outside the box thinking. I can’t even begin to imagine how Noe is going to fully exploit the technology and how 3D will help propel his story. Are penises coming right at you from the screen and copious amounts of bodily fluids splashing about and making you feel that it’s going to bathe you in a sticky mess going to make for good cinema? I’m not really sure. But, one thing I know for sure though, this is going to be an event movie like no other. I bet the guardians of morality are already painting their signs as we speak.