While skin care is often only thought of as something that women concern themselves with, taking care of their skin for men is equally as important. Although most men aren’t willing to spend the same amount of time on skin care as women are, it’s still vital to their health and wellness that their skin is well cared for. So to show you how to do this with very minimal effort, here are three ways for men to take better care of their skin.
Use An Actual Face Cleanser
The skin of the face is often something that men overlook when cleaning themselves. Rather than thinking of their face as a separate area that needs its own attention, they think that using bar soap or just letting their shampoo run over their face is doing the trick. However, the skin on your face is different than the skin on other areas of your body. And for this reason, the American Academy of Dermatology advises that you use an actual face cleanser to wash your face. By using a mild cleanser and warm water, you’ll be giving your skin the care it needs when you wash it. [Read more…]