Well, Batman’s first One Year Later arc is almost over (just one installment left). For the most part, this arc has just been a tour of Gotham City and the new Post-Crisis world Batman lives in. A few surprises in what villains survived, what villains didn’t and what aspects of Batman’s history were reintroduced. The arc has been fun, but you can tell it all serves as a primer to the “new” Batman universe and to return various elements to the status quo. We get to see the Scarecrow in this issue, albeit briefly. A nice cameo from Jack Ryder (AKA the Creeper), too. This arc has also served as a way of reintroducing the “detective” element back into Batman, though the mystery is practically resolved. We’ve all known since Part 1 that Harvey wasn’t responsible for the murders of various 8th tier super villains, but Batman manages to prove it in this issue. Or so we’re lead to think, anyhow. Jim Bard’s back-up story is pretty good. I had forgotten all about the Tally-Man. I’ll put in more insight once the last chapter comes out and I can look at the arc as a whole, but for right now, the arc is really just serving as a sampling platter of Batman’s new world.