“Order from Chaos part 2: the Great Harmony”. The conclusion to an arc that wrapped up countless loose ends and bit of dangling continuity from years past (whether this was their initial intention or not, and I’m going to go with “not”). A nice origin piece for the Chaos Emeralds, too, as you learn what planet each colored Emerald hails from. The defeat of A.D.A.M. is a little to predictable, but this is a young readers-comic. The fate of Tommy was rather dark, though. Some good lines, too, such as “Even Shadow isn’t THIS angsty!” The back-up story, “…For a Friend” is another Chaotix spotlight, and I adore those. Espio the Chameleon gets the star treatment as he infiltrates one of Robotnik’s factories and, along with Nicole, learns what happened to Charmy the Bee’s people. Notice that Nicole’s tangible animal form from a few issues back is now her computer avatar; cute bit of continuity. A good Chaotix story and a great spotlight on Espio’s ninja skills.