Cha Ocho is one of the lamest characters to come out of the Mirage TMNT fiction in recent years. So, naturally, an issue centering around him and Raph is going to be pretty boring. The most entertaining part of the issue, Cha and Raph just hanging at a bar, is quickly cut short by a ridiculous plot about alien robots harvesting human beings for unrevealed purposes. The ending is rather disappointing, with Raph so completely uninterested in the horrible fate awaiting the captured humans that it just seems out of character. The back-up story, “Channelingâ€, is much more interesting. Another Raph focus piece, this time about Raph channeling his rage toward Mike’s sarcastic quips into his fighting. The ending has a nice bit of self-referential humor, and it’s definitely the stronger story of the two. Still, overall, not a very good issue.