People looking for ways to earn money online have various options today. Apart from getting employed or going freelance, there are other ways that one can earn extra income on the internet. Signing up to participate in paid surveys is one effective way. In fact, it is among the popular online jobs available on the internet these days along with blogging jobs that pay.
While some people may not believe this owing to the scams that continue to proliferate online, there are companies that offer genuine surveys that pay money or rewards to respondents. The good thing about this is that these surveys can be taken online in the comfort of one’s home or office.
Before one can start taking surveys, a quick registration process is required. Once completed, you can then receive email notifications informing you of available surveys that you can take. You need to log in to the main website, though, to answer the questionnaires.
Normally, survey or research firms implement a points system that give respondents who take the surveys specific points. Participants are required to accumulate their points up to a certain level to be able to exchange them for cash or gift certificates depending on their preference.
Choose Survey Websites Properly
With the numerous websites offering paid surveys, it can be difficult to sift through and determine the legitimate ones. An important thing to remember is that you should not be required to pay a certain fee to become a survey respondent. The only thing you will be required is to register on the site and create your login details that will allow you to access the dashboard and receive surveys fit for you.
Research firms normally conduct surveys on behalf of companies that want to get feedback on their products and services and are willing to pay participants. Answers to surveys are immediately forwarded to clients to help them analyze the status of their products and services and determine their next move.
CashCrate is one website that offers paid surveys to members. Established in 2006, it currently has more than two million members around the world. The site does not charge any fee to join and sends out payments to members on a monthly basis.
Surveyon is also a legitimate online research site that distributes questionnaires to respondents based on what companies need to know about their products and services whether new or existing.
AIP Online Surveys also conducts surveys for companies primarily in the U.S., Europe and Asia and rewards participants with Epoints that they can exchange for cash or gift vouchers once they reach a certain level.