Here’s interesting news from across the big pond. ran a story about new legislation in the UK regarding women refuge centers to offer help to male victims of domestic abuse. This new legislation aims at providing equal opportunity and rights to people irregardless of race and sex.
Services that these women refuge centers offer are varied but covers the basic necessities of living like food, clothing and shelter. Add counseling and health maintenance and see that it is indeed quite a huge help once deprived the male gender.
While noble in nature there are quite a few well-established charities that seem to oppose such move:
Women’s Aid, the domestic violence charity, believes its female-only services are necessary to give abused women the reassurance they need. Often the women and children they help will only feel comfortable without a male presence.
Still, I personally believe these charities should at least have options for men because, after all, men at times do get equally abused too.