If you’ve been through any sort of treatment for addiction, then you’re well aware of the fact that treatment does not end when you finish a rehab program. Treatment lasts for the rest of your life. It will change and become less of a conscious struggle, but once you’re in recovery you must always be vigilant. It’s really just a core sense of self awareness. Once you know certain triggers in your life, you are then responsible for that knowledge. If you’re not really sure where to start, here are a few suggestive tips to help you remain sober after treatment ends.
Keep up with aftercare
Outpatient treatment is very helpful in recovery. You need someone to hold your hand and guide you through sober living for a little while after rehab. Sober life won’t just come naturally, because you have never had the proper coping mechanisms in place to handle everyday situations. Without continued support, your chances for success drop dramatically. So…go to those boring meetings. Just don’t get too wrapped up in the people around you. Remember, ultimately you are there for your own personal well-being. You are not Superman! [Read more…]