A vast improvement over Wildstorm’s other New Line Cinema horror title, a Nightmare on Elm Street. While the Avatar “TCM” series acted as a prequel to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, this book refreshingly acts as a sequel to the movie. Following shortly after the end of the film, a group of FBI cold case investigators return to the scene of the crime to investigate. The case, acording yo them, was handled sloppily and closed prematurely. They hope to find enough new evidence to reopen the investigation. They immediately find mounds of new evidence, far to blatent to have been overlooked accidentilly. If you’re expecting lots of Leathface action, be warned, he appeared only at the very beginning of the issue (in a pretty sweet sequence, actually). Also, keeping with the continuity of the film, Leatherface is missing his right arm. Should be interesting to see how that works out. So far, it’s not great but shows promise. More than Chuck Dixon’s trash of a comic that is a Nightmare on Elm Street.