More of the same, though thankfully, I didn’t catch a single speech bubble error this time around. Bob Budiansky once again makes changes to the dialogue for no readily apparant reason, often adding some very unnecessary dialogue (Blurr talking about having to out-run Junkions that are trying to kill him, etc). Don Figueroa’s art is certainly pretty, but with him mimicking the art style of the cartoon series, it just looks like I’m watching the movie via still frames. He changes out some of the angles here and there to make things look a bit fresher, but there really isn’t anything amazing to speak of. A few errors from the film are fixed in this version, though. The Dinobot Snarl gets to appear with his pals, when he was strangely absent for most of the actual film. The most noticable “fix”, though, is that on the Planet of Junk, when Scavenger threatens Daniel and says “Human germ”, in the film he was accompanied by Shrapnel, who had already been reconfigured by Unicron minutes earlier. Figueroa swaps out Shrapnel with the more appropriate Longhaul, repairing a glaring logic error. Other than that, though, there isn’t anything great about this book, other than some decent artwork and a few moments of glitch-repair.