These days, it’s very convenient for the internet savvy people to do their financial transactions online. With many banks now providing various services on the internet, those who want to deposit, withdraw or transfer money and pay their bills can do their tasks right in the comfort of their homes.
But it’s a fact that some people are still hesitant to use online banking accounts. Most often, the security issue is what prevents them from embracing the technology. This should not be a problem, though, if one takes the time to learn about online banking including the technology used by financial institutions to ensure their clients’ security.
Here are four steps to follow for a secure and safe experience while banking on the internet.
Look for Security Features
Some of the most common security features used by banks today are encryption, transaction and multi-layer log on verification and automatic time-out. These should be stated in their website specifically in a separate web page focusing on internet banking security.
The verification process normally covers the time you log in and while doing your transaction. Apart from the usual username and password, security codes may be used as well.
Some banks also use the transaction signing code when one pays bills or transfers money online. This step aims to ensure that only you can do such transaction or authorize such transaction.
Use your Personal Computer
When making your banking transactions, do make it a point to use only your personal computer and not a public network such as in an internet cafe. Experts even advise against using a public wi-fi network if at all possible.
Using your own PC especially at home will avoid risks of identity theft and phishing which is possible when using public networks that can be easily hacked by people with dark motives.
Keep Your Password
This may be cliche already but it’s always very important not to give out your password to anyone. Create a unique password and avoid using one similar to your social media or email accounts.
Keep in mind that money is involved here and you wouldn’t want to put your hard earned funds to waste. If you need to write down your log in details, make sure you keep that diary or journal in a safe place that’s accessible only to you and your partner.
Disable Feature that Save Logins
Some websites have this functionality that saves or remembers your login details for convenience. This should be disabled if possible to avoid identity theft. Also, do ensure that you don’t leave your login details on your online device.
Image via bizmology
About the guest author:
Sara Wells is a blogger who writes on behalf of companies such as ID theft provider.