A very moving video and probably the most watched this season on YouTube.com. It was produced by NapCam, an organization in Australia dedicated to preventing child abuse. On September 7th to the 13th they have a campaign for the National Child Protection Week.
NAPCAN firmly believes that a critical factor in breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect is positive behavioural change at the individual level -all Australians accepting their personal responsibility to be positive role models for children.
The last part of the video was the most dramatic of all, I won’t spoil your viewing so you have better watch it right now. True to the campaign slogan, children do imitate what adults do. I think every known culture would agree that the best way to teach a child is to show them what you do. “Telling them what to do” doesn’t work at all. It’s the doing part that convinces these children we believe what we say.