I just thought “why not show an upside down tree” to get your attention. I think I did. Hey, do you know that it’s just 100-days and counting ’til Santa shoots down your chimney on Christmas eve. Yes, I know a lot of radio stations now are doing the traditional Christmas countdown. And as usual, well at least in South East Asia, Christmas songs will peek-a-boo on regular radio airwaves.
So, just in case you missed to give gifts to friends last year, make sure you write your gift list as early as you can. You’d never know who you’d be missing, and it may be too late to rush to the store again for that single purchase.
I tried researching why we have Christmas countdowns… didn’t find it in Wikipedia. But good ‘ol Google shared a few links with me that led me to this page.
The first church official to propose special activities for the pre-Christmas period was Perpetuus, bishop of Tours, in 490. To help his flock prepare for the holiday, he advocated fasting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from Martinmas (November 11) to Christmas Eve. This practice, which mirrored Lent, spread slowly throughout France, Spain, and Germany.